Business Essentials: PROMOTION
Luke 18:18-30 and Luke 19:1-10
In the two previous editions of Monday Meditations, we discussed the importance of having a product or service, and the concept of price vs cost, and price vs value. In this edition, we will cover the idea of taking a product to market and offering it to those who need it most. This next step involves the concept of PROMOTION.
Many years ago, when I started my career as an advertising sales rep for a daily newspaper, I went through extensive sales training that helped prepare me for the role. Part of the training included learning the four elements of good marketing and how to design advertising and promotions for maximum effectiveness.
The four elements are:
Call to ACTION
A good promotion creates a buzz in the community (or market) and may sometimes use features such as humour to get attention. It helps educate potential buyers of the benefits of the product or service being offered. It encourages the purchaser to envision a better/easier life once they have acquired the product. It then presents an offer to purchase that often includes a special price or limited time offer of added value if you “buy now”.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a small advertisement in the newspaper, catchy ads on the radio, an infomercial on TV, unique placements on social media or digital billboards, or even a large event at a special location, all good promotions still follow this basic format
Q: What are some of the best promotions you remember? What made them so memorable and effective?
When we look at the life of Christ and his time on earth, we can see that even in his ministry he followed much the same process.
For instance,
He performed miracles. (ATTENTION)
He spoke in parables. (INTEREST)
He presented a new/better way. (DESIRE)
He encouraged others to leave all and follow him. (ACTION)
Read through any story of Jesus engaging with others and you can generally find these four elements at work in each account.
Referencing Luke 18:18-30, Jesus is talking to a rich religious leader who was inquiring about the path to receive eternal life. He asks, “Good teacher, what should I do to receive eternal life?”. Jesus then gains this person’s undivided ATTENTION by asking a question in return. He asks, “Why do you call me good?” If you want to make sure someone is fully engaged with you in a conversation, then answer their question with another question! Jesus then proceeds to build INTEREST by quoting scripture, which the religious man would have been very familiar with. He lists some of the more notable laws that need to be kept as were recorded by Moses in the famous Ten Commandments.
At this point in the conversation, the man is feeling pretty good about his potential to acquire eternal life as he responds, “I have kept these commandments since I was young!” The man’s DESIRE had been peaked! He was well on his way to receiving eternal life. What’s next?
Jesus then carries on with telling this rich man what exactly was required to receive eternal life. Jesus encourages him to sell all his possessions and give his money to the poor and to follow him. This call to ACTION, however, was too great a cost for the rich man.
The man received the answer he was seeking. But he left with nothing more than he came with.
Jesus let the man walk away. He didn’t chase after him and discount his product to “make a sale”. He didn’t offer “something more” to make eternal life more attractive. Jesus knew the true value of his product and stuck to his original offer. Take it or leave it.
Jesus then uses this moment to teach those near him about the value of investing in the eternal realm. He tells the crowd that “those who give up their worldly possessions and relationships for the sake of following him will be repaid many times over in this life and will have eternal live in the world to come.” (Luke 18:29-30)
Take a moment and re-read the whole account for yourself.
Interestingly, the rich religious man in Luke 18 left without acquiring eternal life. Yet, Luke 19:1-9 records the account of another rich (but maybe not very religious) man that heard the same message or offer as the man in the previous chapter. However, this man (Zacchaeus) was willing to do whatever necessary to obtain salvation.
Wherever Jesus went and whatever he was doing, Jesus knew his purpose. Luke 19:10 clearly and simply states that Jesus came to “seek and to save all who are lost”. However, he did not force salvation on those around him. He let them make their choice to accept or reject his offer of eternal life.
As a Corpath member, we are called to engage with others in much the same was as Christ did. We accept our workplace as our mission field. The way we run our business, lead our lives, and follow the Holy Spirit is meant to glorify God.
Matthew 5:16 encourages us to “let our lights shine before men so they may see our good deeds and glorify our father in heaven.” In that sense, we are called to be a critical part of God’s PROMOTION team that helps educate others of the eternal offer he is making available to all.
We are called to get the ATTENTION of others by adhering to Christ-led values. We build INTEREST each time we engage with them and show them a better way. Our daily example of faith and fearlessness creates a DESIRE in others to experience the same for themselves. Then, when others are ready, we encourage them to take ACTION and start their journey of Godliness.
Q: Do you see yourself as part of God’s PROMOTION team? What recent examples do you have that show you are engaging in the four elements of good promotion of the good news of Christ with others?
Heavenly Father, thank you for the message today. As I seek to promote your ways and build your kingdom, I ask for your guidance this week. Give me the awareness and courage to boldly present your offer to those who need it most. May my light shine brightly so that others will clearly see you. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Blessings always and all-ways,
Steve Shrout
Special Note:
If you enjoyed today’s message, then share it with someone. Also, use this content and questions as a discussion guide in your next Forum Group meeting.
Attached is a printable PDF you can use to help with your meditation and reflection. I encourage you to print it, answer the questions and then keep it in a Corpath binder or folder for future reference and thought. You will receive a new PDF each week with each new Monday Meditation, and, over time, your binder will become a book representing your own Corpath journey of BUSINESS thoughts, personal LIFE development and SPIRITUAL growth.