
Who Is a Candidate for Membership?


  • All candidates for Corpath membership should be followers of Christ.

  • Be willing to openly and authentically share business, personal and spiritual issues in their life.

  • Be committed to the commitment and confidentiality covenants of Corpath.

2. CORPATH FORUMS: Senior Members

  • Executive – Be a C-level Executive (CEO, COO, CFO, Profit Centre Leader) or Managing Director with responsibility for profit of the company or business unit.

  • Entrepreneurial – Run a viable business with 7–10 employees with a revenue of approximately $2M or more.

  • Not-for-Profit / Public Leadership – Those in leadership roles such as Not-for-Profits and politics. These candidates should have peer alignment in levels of responsibility with the other two leadership cultures above.

  • Retired  Those that once qualified under one of the above categories and now spend their time engaged in activities such as board work, managing investments, mentoring, and philanthropic pursuits.

  • Other Candidates  Those that may have peer alignment with the levels of leadership in the categories above but do not fit into the existing four leadership culture categories. Please call the Corpath President to discuss.

Contact Us

Please complete the form and a Corpath representative will contact you.