Remember Your Influencers

For the first month of the year Monday Meditations has been encouraging you to do a lot of reflection. The purpose of reflecting is to draw attention to patterns, habits, and ways of doing things that can be improved or made better in some way, or to bring out our gratitude when we see God’s hand moving in our lives.

Today will be the last in this series.

When I take time to reflect on my personal, business and spiritual life, I am struck with the thought that it has all been by design, and not left up to happenstance.

At every significant point in my life, there has been somebody who has also been a part of it with me. At times they were influencing me to try something new. Encouraging me to keep going when times got tough. Supporting me in times of struggle or unique challenge. Praising me when I had achieved success in some way. In some cases, there have been specific times when somebody stepped in to do something surprising or unanticipated to make a positive impact on me and the situation.

I have to admit, at those moments when I was going through those situations, I didn’t actually realize how significant some of these people were. It wasn’t until a time of reflection that I realized how special these people are to me.

There seems to be no part of my life, where someone has been connected to me in a way that has helped me move forward, grow, and learn. To think that I am the supreme orchestrator of all these connections would simply be incorrect.

Q: Thinking about the past year, who are the people that come to mind that have made the most significant impact on you?

Putting this into Corpath perspective, there have been people attached to our growth in all parts of our business, life and spiritual development. Even before we came to Corpath, there were those who were gently directing us in ways that led us to be part of this incredible organization.

The highest value and impact that people have had on us are those with internal benefits. Those that have directed us to be part of God’s eternal family through accepting his son, Jesus Christ.

Pause here and take a moment to read today’s scripture reference found in
2 Timothy 1:3-18.

In this passage, Paul is giving encouragement to Timothy as he starts his ministry. Reading this passage, we see that Paul has great knowledge of the influences in Timothy’s life. He draws attention to his grandmother, Lois, and mother, Eunice. He credits them with impacting Timothy in a way that has build up his faith as he grew to become a man of God.

Paul also recognizes the impact that he himself is making on Timothy. He encourages Timothy to follow his example as he grows in his faith.

Lastly, Paul makes reference to a freed slave, Onesimus, who also had significant impact in his own development by giving him encouragement. by giving him encouragement.

Perhaps unknowingly, Paul drew direct reference to the people that had significant impact on him as he went about his ministry. He knows that God had a purpose on his life, and the involvement of other significant peoples was not an accident.

For today, and this week, take some time to reflect on who those people are to you. What they meant to you. How they have helped you. If persuaded, reach out to them, and share how they have positively impact to you in ways that have eternal benefit. Go ahead… Make their day!

My Prayer:

My heavenly father, I come to you today with complete humility. I pause, now to reflect on how many people you have put in my path to help me, believe in me, encourage me, and support me. It is not by coincidence these people have been part of my life. You have designed it from the beginning until now. For that, I am grateful. Thank you for always being the father who cares for me, your child. Amen.

Blessings as Always!

Steve Shrout
President, Corpath Forums

"Pursuing Excellence in Business, Life and Spirit"

Special Note:
If you enjoyed today’s message, then share it with someone.  Also, use this content and questions as a discussion guide in your next Forum Group meeting.

Attached to this is a printable PDF you can use to help with your meditation and reflection.  I encourage you to print it, answer the questions and then keep it in a Corpath binder or folder for future reference and thought.  You will receive a new PDF each week with each new Monday Meditation, and, over time, your binder will become a book representing your Corpath journey of BUSINESS thoughts, personal LIFE development, and SPIRITUAL growth.


Love… and who God is.


What is it you are looking for?