Who am I?

1 Samuel 16:7

Over the past several weeks, various Corpath members have asked me about the lifeline exercise found in the Corpath Member’s Manual. In particular, they are interested in using this exercise as part of their end-of-year retreat.

Today’s Monday meditations touches on this subject, and is a repeat from last June.


One of the most thoughtful and reflective exercises I have ever done was in my first Corpath group. Prior to one of our end-of-year retreats we were challenged to put together a “personal lifeline”. For this exercise we needed to reflect on significant events in our past that have had, from our personal perspective, significant impact on shaping us into who we have become. We were asked to place these events in chronological order on a “timeline” and then present our individual timeline at the Corpath retreat.

Q: If you were to build your “personal lifeline”, what significant events would be included?

I remember building my lifeline. The exercise caused me to think of my life chronologically and chart those events that I could recall and verify as having significant value. Some events were positive and brought memories of happiness. Others, were hard and harsh and brought recollections of pain.

As I went through the exercise of building the lifeline I thought about which events I wanted to include in my presentation and share with the group. I also started to develop a list of those events that I wanted to exclude and keep private. It was then that I began to feel convicted. I realized that being a high-value participant in my Corpath group required me to be real with them. Be vulnerable. To be human. To share my highlights and low-lights. To give to them and receive from them. I decided to be open and honest as I prepared my presentation.

At the retreat, I remember being nervous as I stepped up to share my lifeline information with the group. I began the presentation starting with birth and slowly working my way through the decades of my life, sharing the significant events that helped them understand who I was and what got me “here”.

I shared lots about my business and career path - that topic seemed easy to present. I shared openly (and honestly) about my personal life experiences - that topic was significantly more challenging and revealing. I also shared events that helped shape my spiritual life as God directed me - some good and some bad.

Sharing my lifeline with my Corpath group indeed has become one of my
“life-impacting experiences” that helped me reflect on WHO I AM. It forced me to pause and reflect on things I rarely (if ever) took time to ponder. It challenged me to present transparently and to accept who I was as those life events helped develop my identity.

As Christians, we know our identity is rooted in Christ and His acceptance of us. We understand the concept of being God’s children. We believe He directs the steps of our lives and leads us to become who we are every day. But can we say, in all honesty, that we wholly accept the events of our lives, good and bad, as part of His plan for us to draw closer to Him?

Everyone, whether Corpath member or not, has a personal lifeline that is filled with significant events meant to draw them closer to the Heavenly Father. Yet, when we meet and work with others, we forget this fact. We generally others based on what they are doing (or can do) for us in the moment. What would happen if we could see them as God does? What if we were to explore their lifeline? Would we see them differently?

As God was instructing Samuel to find a new king, He gives Samuel some good counsel. In 1 Samuel 16:7, God says, “…People judge by outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”

After presenting my lifeline to the group, I felt “seen” by them. They knew me differently as a result. They expressed kindness and acceptance. Perhaps, by being vulnerable with them they began to see me as God does.

Q: If I were to ask you “Who are you?”, how much would you tell me? What has shaped you? How has your life events revealed God’s desire to draw closer to you?

Heavenly Father, I praise You and thank You for being who You are. I can see that You have been, and continue to be, at work in all events in my life. I pray that I would recognize Your work in those around me. Help me see others the way You do this week. Amen.

Blessing As Always!

Steve Shrout President,
Corpath Forums
Email: president@corpath.ca

"Pursuing Excellence in Business, Life and Spirit"

Special Note:
If you enjoyed today’s message, then share it with someone.  Also, use this content and questions as a discussion guide in your next Forum Group meeting.

Attached to this is a printable PDF you can use to help with your meditation and reflection.  I encourage you to print it, answer the questions and then keep it in a Corpath binder or folder for future reference and thought.  You will receive a new PDF each week with each new Monday Meditation, and, over time, your binder will become a book representing your Corpath journey of BUSINESS thoughts, personal LIFE development, and SPIRITUAL growth.


The Goodness and Faithfulness of God


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