Finding Purpose and Humility in Work

As leaders it's our responsibility to make sure we recognize the good efforts and productivity of the people that work for us, but what about the work we do? Let's face it,the work we are doing is quite often very important and necessary. And, is often very high quality. Is it OK to look at all of the things we have done and accomplished and see it as "good"?  If we do, are we running the risk of being prideful and lacking humility?

Q:  What are the accomplishments you have made that you would consider to be “well and good"?

It's not uncommon for Christian business leaders to grapple with the concept of pride in the work we do. As we navigate through the challenges and triumphs of our professional journey, it's crucial to find a balance between acknowledging the value of our contributions and maintaining the humility that is at the core of Christian teachings. 

Let's dive deeper into this concept and take a look at a few biblical principles that help guide our approach to work and self-reflection by reflecting on this scripture:

Colossians 3:23-24 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."

Working for the Lord
The idea of working for the Lord brings a profound perspective to the way we view our professional lives. This passage challenges us to see our daily tasks, whether big or small, as an expression of our faith. Instead of merely seeking recognition from colleagues or superiors, the focus shifts to striving for excellence as an act of worship.

Q:  Do you infuse a sense of purpose into your work by viewing it as a form of service to God?

As you reflect on this question, consider the impact that a genuine and diligent approach to your work can have on those around you; your colleagues, clients, and the broader community. Your commitment to excellence in business, life and spirit becomes a testimony to your faith, demonstrating integrity and diligence in all that you do. 

The Reward of Faithful Labour
Colossians 3:24
also highlights the promise of a reward from the Lord for faithful labor. While this reward is not necessarily material or immediate, it points to the eternal perspective that Christians are encouraged to adopt, even in their work. The recognition and rewards we seek may not always come in the form of promotions or financial success, but the assurance of an inheritance from the Lord serves as a powerful motivator. 

Q: Does your understanding of the eternal reward impact the way you approach your work on a daily basis? 

Consider the potential shift in mindset when you realize that your efforts are not solely for earthly gain but contribute to a greater purpose. This perspective can provide comfort during challenging times and prevent the pursuit of success from becoming an idol in your life.

Balancing Pride and Humility
While Colossians emphasizes the idea of "wholehearted dedication", it's crucial to balance this with humility.

Proverbs 16:18 warns against pride, stating that it precedes destruction. As a Christian business leader, it's essential to examine your motives and ensure that any sense of pride is rooted in gratitude and a recognition of God's role in your success.

Q:  Do you differentiate between healthy pride in your work and pride that may lead to arrogance or a sense of superiority?

This question encourages introspection into the motives behind your actions. Healthy pride involves acknowledging your skills and achievements as gifts from God, leading to gratitude and a desire to steward these gifts wisely. On the other hand, unchecked pride may manifest as a lack of humility, potentially damaging relationships and hindering personal growth.


Recognizing the Source of Your Abilities
Humility is a recurring theme in the Bible, and it plays a pivotal role in how we approach our work. Recognizing that our abilities and opportunities come from God fosters an attitude of gratitude and dependence on Him. This acknowledgment is not a dismissal of your skills but an understanding that they are ultimately given and entrusted to you by God.

Q: How can you cultivate a spirit of humble gratitude and dependence on God in your daily work life?

Consider incorporating intentional moments of prayer and reflection into your work routine. Express gratitude for the skills, opportunities, and successes, recognizing that they are gifts from a loving and gracious God. This practice can serve as a constant reminder of your dependence on Him and help maintain a humble perspective.

Embracing Challenges with Faith
We know that challenges and setbacks are inevitable. As a Christian business leader, our faith becomes a source of strength and resilience in the face of adversity. James 1:2-4 encourages believers to consider trials as opportunities for growth, producing perseverance and maturity.

Q:  How does your faith influence the way you navigate challenges and setbacks in your professional life?

Reflect on past experiences and identify moments when your faith served as a guiding light during difficult times. Consider how challenges have contributed to your personal and professional growth, shaping your character and strengthening your reliance on God.


Integrating Faith and Work
The integration of faith and work is an ongoing journey. It involves aligning our values with your actions, making ethical decisions, and seeking God's guidance in the daily challenges of leadership.

Q:  How do you currently integrate your faith into your daily work life, and what changes or adjustments could enhance this integration?

Consider practical steps such as incorporating prayer into your decision-making process, seeking biblical wisdom for business challenges, and actively living out your faith in the workplace. This intentional integration helps us by recognizing that faith is not confined to Sunday worship but permeates every aspect of your existence.

Concluding Thoughts
Navigating the intersection of faith and work as a Christian business leader involves a constant journey of self-reflection and alignment with biblical principles. Wholehearted dedication to our work, rooted in the understanding that we are serving the Lord, brings purpose and meaning to our professional lives. Balancing this dedication with humility, recognizing the source of our abilities, and embracing challenges with faith contribute to a well-rounded Christian work ethic.

As you continue on this journey, remember that it's not about perfection, but a continuous pursuit of growth and alignment with God's principles. May your work be a reflection of your faith, a testimony to the transformative power of Christ, and a source of blessing to those you lead and serve.


My Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank you for the skills and opportunities You've given me in my role as a leader. As I work, help me serve wholeheartedly, keeping in mind that my efforts are for You. Keep me humble in success, reminding me that all I have is from You. 

Guide me to find purpose in my tasks, seeing them as opportunities to bless others. In challenges, grant me faith and perseverance, knowing You're with me. Teach me to lead with a servant's heart, promoting collaboration and support.

May my work reflect Your love and grace, bringing glory to Your name. I commit my efforts to You, trusting in Your reward for faithful service.

In Jesus' name, I pray.


Steve Shrout 
President, Corpath Forums

"Pursuing Excellence in Business, Life and Spirit"

Special Note:
If you enjoyed today’s message, then share it with someone.  Also, use this content and questions as a discussion guide in your next Forum Group meeting.

Attached to this is a printable/ fillable PDF you can use to help with your meditation and reflection.  I encourage you to print it, answer the questions, and then keep it in a Corpath binder or folder for future reference and thought.  You will receive a new PDF each week with each new Monday Meditation, and, over time, your binder will become a book representing your Corpath journey of BUSINESS thoughts, personal LIFE development, and SPIRITUAL growth.


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