Time Management and Productivity: A Christian Perspective

Today, I am writing somewhat transparently about something we all face at some point: the struggle with focus, time management, and procrastination.  Of all the topics I talk with seasoned professionals about, these three seem to come up most often.  I hear frustration and resignation in their voices.  “If I could only manage my time better”, or, “If only I could manage my distractions.” 
Not only have I heard it, I have also experienced it. 

Before we get going, take a moment to think about this question: 

Q:  Which of these three topics do you struggle with most? (Focus, time management, procrastination). Why did you pick that one? 

As Christians, we're called to be diligent stewards of our time and talents. So, what does the Bible have to say about these topics and how we can apply its wisdom to our daily lives? 

Time as a Precious Resource 
First off, let's acknowledge that time is a gift from God. 

In Ephesians 5:16, we're urged to "make the most of every opportunity." Time is something we can't get back once it's gone, so how can we use it wisely?  Reflect on your current time management habits. 

Q: Are you investing your time in activities that align with your values and goals?

Setting Priorities and Managing Distractions
Reading the scriptures, we see that Jesus himself was a master of focus and prioritization. 

In Matthew 6:33, he teaches us to "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness." This means putting God at the centre of our lives and aligning our actions with his will.

Q: Consider your priorities—are they in line with God's priorities for you? Take a moment to identify any distractions that may be pulling you away from your focus on God and your goals.  

Overcoming Procrastination with Diligence
Procrastination is indeed a common struggle, but the Bible encourages us to be diligent in our work. 

Proverbs 12:24 reminds us that "diligent hands will rule, but laziness ends in forced labor." That comment seems pretty direct… and clear!   Let's strive to overcome procrastination by cultivating habits of discipline and perseverance.

Q: What steps can you take to break free from the cycle of procrastination and embrace a spirit of diligence in your work? 

Seeking Guidance and Strength in Prayer
I really don’t believe that we are meant to navigate these challenges alone, but rather to lean on the divine wisdom from God. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us to "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

Q: How often do you seek God's guidance in your business endeavours? Let's commit to bringing our struggles, fears, and aspirations to him in prayer, trusting that he will provide the wisdom and strength we need.  

Embracing Rest and Sabbath
It’s often easy to neglect the importance of rest and Sabbath. Yet, God himself modelled the significance of rest by resting on the seventh day of creation. We often don’t equate the idea of “taking a rest” as being productive, but it is in fact a necessary part of the productivity cycle.

In Mark 6:31, Jesus invites his disciples to "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest." 

Q: How can we incorporate regular times of rest and Sabbath into our busy schedules? Let's remember that resting in God's presence rejuvenates our spirits and enhances our productivity.  

My Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of time and the opportunities you place before me each day. Help me to be good stewards of this precious resource, guiding me in my efforts to manage my time wisely and overcome procrastination. Grant me the strength and discipline to focus on what truly matters, seeking your guidance in all that I do. May my work bring glory to your name, and may I find rest and rejuvenation in your presence.


In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

Steve Shrout 
President, Corpath Forums
Email: president@corpath.ca

"Pursuing Excellence in Business, Life and Spirit"

Special Note:
If you enjoyed today’s message, then share it with someone.  Also, use this content and questions as a discussion guide in your next Forum Group meeting.

Attached to this is a printable/ fillable PDF you can use to help with your meditation and reflection.  I encourage you to print it, answer the questions, and then keep it in a Corpath binder or folder for future reference and thought.  You will receive a new PDF each week with each new Monday Meditation, and, over time, your binder will become a book representing your Corpath journey of BUSINESS thoughts, personal LIFE development, and SPIRITUAL growth.


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