Business Essentials: PRODUCT

For the month of November Monday Meditations will look at the four essentials required in operating and maintaining a business: Product, Price, Promotion and Profit. 

Acts 10:38 and Matthew 14:13-21

It’s not a very profound thought to know that to have a business you must have a product or service to sell.  Without it the business simply cannot exist. 

No doubt, your business has something spectacular that you take to market every day and is something people need and helps them solve a problem they have.  Doctors help people with their health problems. Grocery stores help people replenish their supplies for the week ahead. Travel advisors help people with their arrangements to ensure a safe and energizing/relaxing vacation. You get the point. When people recognize they have a problem that needs solving they actively seek a solution!

Q: Think about your product or service for a moment. What problem are you helping others solve? Can you clearly state it in one or two short sentences? 

As a business owner or leader, it’s imperative that you believe wholeheartedly in the product you offer. You have designed it in such a way that it is unique, stands apart from the competition, and helps others live a better quality of life. You believe your product has high value and you are passionate about how it will meet their needs. 

I can recall times in my career when our sales teams were asked to sell products they didn’t believe would work for the clients they represented. Either the product wasn’t designed properly or simply was not created with the customer in mind. Either way, the sales reps became frustrated and expended a lot of effort with no return as they had trouble successfully selling the product. On the flip side, when we created a product that was driven by market demand and clearly met the needs of our customers our sales soared.  Our sales teams broke records.  The top line grew aggressively, and the bottom line responded accordingly.

Q: Do you, and the people who work with/for you, passionately believe in the products you represent? If so, how does it show?  If not, why not?  (Give examples)

Looking at the life of Jesus we clearly see that he had a product that was needed by everyone. When he showed up on the scene, he began educating them about their need and presented an innovative idea (controversial for the day) that revealed a problem most didn’t know existed. He taught love over legal.  Faith as a way of overcoming the effects of perceived failure.  The hope created by receiving eternal life over the hopelessness of a temporary existence.  As he walked and taught, he shared the good news of his "product" with others. His passion for his product, love for the people, and sense of purpose drove him to share this good news in unique ways with everyone he met.   

In Acts 10:38 we read that the people around him were suffering with sickness and disease. Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed.  He saw the need of the people and addressed each of them with compassion and a life-changing experience. 

In another instance, thousands of people followed him to the countryside to listen to him teach. His words helped them unlock their spiritual problems. Yet, while they were there, they all ran out of food. Jesus, having compassion on the crowd, recognized their need and found a way to feed them physically while educating and developing them spiritually.  

Pause for a moment right now and read the account in Matthew 14:13-21.

Q: In what ways do you see God solving problems for you personally and in your business?  Can you clearly identify them? 

Conventional thinking suggests the more people your product can help the more successful you will be.  It promotes the idea that to be successful you must have quantity; some is good, but more is better.  Oftentimes, this way of thinking doesn't regard the quality of product as equal to the quantity to be sold.   The paradox here is that Jesus reached beyond quantity and taught the value of QUALITY to those who walked closely with Him.  He desired a deep relationship with them (independently) that gave so much more than the world can ever offer.  The good news is that he continues to do the same for us even today!  

This week, share with and show others how HIS PRODUCT is helping you achieve excellence in business, life and spirit.   


God, I praise you for your pursuit of me.  I thank you for being concerned about all areas of my life, including my business.  I ask you to help me to see the value and quality of a life that is led by you and to have the courage to share it with others whether in word or action.  Walk with me this week.  Amen.

Blessings always and all-ways,

Steve Shrout


Special Note:

If you enjoyed today’s message, then share it with someone.  Also, use this content and questions as a discussion guide in your next Forum Group meeting. 

Attached is a printable PDF you can use to help with your meditation and reflection.  I encourage you to print it, answer the questions and then keep it in a Corpath binder or folder for future reference and thought.  You will receive a new PDF each week with each new Monday Meditation, and, over time, your binder will become a book representing your own Corpath journey of BUSINESS thoughts, personal LIFE development and SPIRITUAL growth.


Business Essentials: PRICE


The Needs of Followers: HOPE