The 5 Steps to Personal Development: APPRECIATION
As business leaders, we all have the desire to grow, produce and advance. We creatively and strategically develop plans for our businesses that, hopefully, will help it succeed in the days, months, and years ahead. Do we take the time to do the same for ourselves?
Over the next few weeks, Monday Meditations will continue to explore:
“The 5 Steps to Personal Development”.
When we take the honest step of ASSESSMENT (week #1), we then develop a greater level of AWARENESS (week #2). When our awareness is heightened, we need to pause and let it gently lead us into the area of APPRECIATION.
Generally, when we think about the word ”APPRECIATION” we equate it to something we give or express to others. It is usually transactional. For instance, when somebody gives us something or does something for us, we usually express appreciation in return.
Q: Before continuing any further, take a moment and think of 3 things you appreciate. What are they? Why do you truly appreciate them?
Today, I want to suggest that APPRECIATION might mean a few other things.
Let’s start here…
Appreciation as RESPECT
When we see something for what it truly is then we have a greater appreciation, or respect, for it. An example would be when we pause to look deeply at the mountain landscape and vistas in front of us. Reflecting on their majesty and detail gives us a greater respect for how beautiful it truly is. When we stop what we are doing and look up at the dark nighttime sky we see a vastness of infinite space. Despite our inability to comprehend the infiniteness of the heavens, we can still have a great appreciation and respect for it.
Appreciation can also happen when faced with a dangerous situation. We can appreciate the potential harm that can happen when we get close to an angry dog or poisonous snake. We have a “healthy respect” for that animal and our close proximity to it keeps us on
high-alert. Our respect in that movement means we manage ourselves accordingly.
As Christians, we have a greater understanding and deeper respect for both creation and Creator. I like this passage in Isaiah 40:26 (NLT) that says,
“Look up into the heavens. Who created all the stars? He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of his great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing.”
Reading a bit further in this chapter, verse 28 says, “Have you never heard? Have you never understood? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary. No one can measure the depths of his understanding.”
When we truly see how omniscient and omnipotent God is, we appreciate and respect him as the one true God.
Appreciation as ACCEPTANCE
Have you ever observed someone who simply denies the predicament they are in? Their sense of reality is flawed and leads them to make improper and sometimes inappropriate decisions. Their priorities are messed up. Their denial limits their progress and potential for success. Appreciation means we have a better understanding of the context of a situation we find ourselves in. When we accept our current reality, whether good or bad, it helps us define next steps that will yield better results.
To help develop our thinking from the spiritual perspective, consider the passage in 2 Chronicles 7:14. It says, ”Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.”
When we accept our identity as a child of God, humble ourselves before Him and accept our sinful nature and turn from it, we deeply appreciate our need for His forgiveness, care and guidance in our lives.
Appreciation as GRATITUDE
Of course, appreciation can also mean having an attitude of thankfulness. The inward expression of humility leads us to recognize we have much to be grateful for. It’s sometimes also an outward expression toward God and others for their thoughtfulness and care. There is much research available that extols the virtues of having an attitude of gratitude. It changes us. It brings us to a new level of peace. It “resets and recalibrates” us when we appreciate what we DO have rather than focusing on what we DON’T.
Paul states in Philippians 4:6, “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
Q: What can you do to show more APPRECIATION in your life as you grow in business, life and spirit?
In our personal, professional, and spiritual development appreciation is a necessary element that helps us stay within the guardrails of reality and godliness. It keeps our priorities in check and leads us to make decisions that are based on facts rather than just feelings. When we have a healthy respect for our surroundings we accept our position, whether good or bad with gratefulness. We are appreciative of God’s guidance and the wise counsel of our Corpath sisters and brothers.
My Prayer:
God, I praise you for your continuous care over me. I express my appreciation to You for all You are doing; what I see and even what I don’t see. I know You are at work in me and guide me as a father to a child. I pray that your Holy Spirit would encourage me to have a healthy appreciation for everything in my life and let it lead me to having a deeper relationship with You. Amen.
Blessings always and all-ways,
Steve Shrout
President, Corpath Forums
"Pursuing Excellence in Business, Life and Spirit"
Special Note:
If you enjoyed today’s message, then share it with someone. Also, use this content and questions as a discussion guide in your next Forum Group meeting.
Attached to this is a printable PDF you can use to help with your meditation and reflection. I encourage you to print it, answer the questions and then keep it in a Corpath binder or folder for future reference and thought. You will receive a new PDF each week with each new Monday Meditation, and, over time, your binder will become a book representing your Corpath journey of BUSINESS thoughts, personal LIFE development, and SPIRITUAL growth.