A Call to Excellence

In recent days, I have been paying attention to the word “excellence”.  It has been shaping some of my thinking and has also become a measuring stick with which I review the life I’m leading.

Recently, I went out for dinner with friends to a restaurant that I had never been to before.  I was hopeful the experience would be satisfying, and the food and company of evening would be pleasurable.  My expectation was to have a “good” time.  What I actually received was a surprising level of “excellence”; a level of quality and service that far surpassed my expectations.  I can say, without hesitation, that the evening was indeed excellent! 

Q:  Have you experienced EXCELLENCE recently?  Describe the experience; what made it excellent for you?

There are many times in the bible we read about having excellence.  In Philippians 4:8 we read that our thought life needs to contain an element of excellence. 

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is EXCELLENT or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Doing a bit of research on this word, we find that in the original Greek text of the New Testament, the word that is often translated as “excellence” is “ἀρετή” (arete). This term has a broader and richer meaning than the English word “excellence.” In Greek philosophy and literature, “arete” signifies virtue, goodness, or moral excellence. It encompasses the idea of fulfilling one’s potential and living a life of moral uprightness.

As Corpath members, one of the descriptors that makes us different than other professionals in our world is that we embark on a journey that intertwines the realms of business, life, and spirit, in our pursuit of excellence, as it is guided by our calling to bring glory to our Lord in all we do.

Let’s pursue this topic a bit further…

The Divine Mandate for Excellence

Our pursuit of excellence in business is not a secular endeavour but a divine calling. As we delve into the details of entrepreneurship and corporate leadership, we should meditate on the words of

1 Corinthians 10:31 that says,"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." This scripture reminds us that even the mundane aspects of life, including our professional pursuits, can be transformed into acts of worship.

Excellence is not just a standard to meet but a reflection of our commitment to serving a God of excellence. In Colossians 3:23-24, we find guidance: "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ." Our endeavours, whether big or small, take on eternal significance when approached with the intention of honouring Christ.

Picture your businesses as an offering.   In every decision made, our hearts should echo the sentiment of Psalm 37:5, "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act." The pursuit of excellence is not a solitary effort; it is a collaborative act with the Creator who intricately designed us for such a time as this. 

Nurturing Faith Amidst Insecurities

In our roles as leaders, it's natural to grapple with insecurities—doubts about our abilities, fears about the future, or concerns about whether we are worthy of the calling placed upon us. Yet, in these moments, we find solace in the promises of God's Word. 2 Timothy 1:7 declares, "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." Our insecurities are opportunities for God's power to be made perfect in our weakness.

Think of Moses, chosen by God to lead His people despite his initial reluctance and feelings of inadequacy. Exodus 4:12 reassures us, "Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say." Just as God equipped Moses, He equips us to perform excellently in the tasks set before us. Our weaknesses become canvases for God's strength and excellence to be showcased. 

In moments of doubt, it is imperative we surrender our anxieties, trusting that God is orchestrating our journey with divine precision. As leaders, our authenticity lies in acknowledging our dependence on the Almighty, allowing Him to guide us through uncharted territories. 

Bringing God to the Secular World

Navigating the secular world as Christian leaders presents a unique opportunity to be ambassadors of Christ in places where His name may not be widely acknowledged.

In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus describes us as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." 

Our businesses, therefore, are platforms to reveal God's love and truth.

Consider the example of Daniel, who served in the secular court of Babylon. Daniel 6:3 recounts, "Then this Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an EXCELLENT spirit was in him." Our pursuit of excellence is not only a testament to our professionalism but a declaration of the excellent spirit dwelling within us—the Holy Spirit. 

In closing, Colossians 4:5 encourages us to act excellently in our interactions with the secular world.  This scripture says, Walk in wisdom toward outsiders, making the best use of the time." Our business transactions, negotiations, and daily interactions are opportunities to demonstrate the wisdom that comes from God. Let our conduct be a living testimony to the transformative power of a life surrendered to Christ.

My Prayer:

Heavenly Father, I come with a heart full of gratitude for the calling You have placed upon my life as a Christian business leader and family member. In my pursuit of excellence, grant me the discernment to recognize Your will in every decision I make. May the strength of my endeavours be fuelled by the knowledge that I am working not for human recognition but as a servant of the Lord Christ. In my pursuit of excellence, may my life be an offering of worship, glorifying You in all I do. 

In moments of insecurity, remind me that Your power is made perfect in my weakness. Empower me to trust in Your sovereignty, acknowledging that my paths are directed by Your unwavering wisdom. Help me, like Moses, to step boldly into the calling You have placed upon me, confident that You are with me every step of the way.

As I navigate the secular world, may my business be a lighthouse, illuminating the darkness with the light of Your love. Guide me to walk in wisdom, making the most of every opportunity to reflect Your character. May my words and actions draw others closer to You, ultimately glorifying Your name. 

I rededicate myself to Your service, surrendering my life and business to Your divine plan. May my journey be marked by a spirit of excellence, reflecting the excellence that resides in You. In Jesus’ name, I pray.



Steve Shrout
President, Corpath Forums
Cell:  403-390-3772
Email: president@corpath.ca
Web: www.corpath.ca

"Pursuing Excellence in Business, Life and Spirit

Special Note:
If you enjoyed today’s message, then share it with someone.  Also, use this content and questions as a discussion guide in your next Forum Group meeting.

Attached to this is a printable/ fillable PDF you can use to help with your meditation and reflection.  I encourage you to print it, answer the questions, and then keep it in a Corpath binder or folder for future reference and thought.  You will receive a new PDF each week with each new Monday Meditation, and, over time, your binder will become a book representing your Corpath journey of BUSINESS thoughts, personal LIFE development, and SPIRITUAL growth.


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