Embracing Our Christian Heritage

About a week ago, I rediscovered a large sized envelope as I was going through a box that contained some older keepsakes. The envelope was from my mother and was sent to me a few years ago. In it were a bunch of photos of some of our ancestors that she collected over the years. I guess she sent them to me as I am the oldest sibling in our family.

As I flipped through the photos it dawned on me that I never showed them to my daughters. So, I began taking pictures of these relics on my phone and sending them. Some of the photos were over 120 years old and showed images of their great-great-great-great grandparents, whom they likely have never thought of before.

My daughters started responding immediately with how impressed they were with seeing their ancestors’ faces, clothes, and lifestyles. It was the first time that they had ever looked into the face of somebody who was part of their heritage and lineage.

The envelope also contained some details about the things that were important to them at their time and that’s when I realized how important their faith was to them as they lived their lives in a completely different era. I wonder if they knew that their faith back then would have an impact and significance to the faith perspective of my family today.

Q: Thinking about your ancestry, who were the people that made significant choices in the past that are still impacting you today? Were they people of faith? If not, what is the future significance of your faith decisions as you follow Christ?

Our home has a small sitting room in the front that is also a personal library of sorts. One of the shelves is completely dedicated to Bibles that were once owned by relatives that have now passed. One of them is almost 100 years old and was carried by my grandfather long before I was born. It contains many of his spiritual notes and thoughts written in the margins. It’s intriguing to read his commentary.

Another bible on the shelf is one that I carried daily in my briefcase as I traveled for work. It also contains highlights, notes, and thoughts from my daily time of connecting with God. It’s interesting to revisit these details years later.

It’s with these thoughts in mind that I feel compelled to share some reflections on the significance of Christian ancestry and heritage. Our roots, and the thoughts of our ancestors, offer not just a connection to the past, but also encouragement of hope and strength for our present journey in Christ.

The Legacy of Faith

Our Christian heritage can serve as a pillar, supporting us through life's storms and challenges. It's like a sturdy anchor that keeps us grounded in the midst of chaos.

Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on the faith of our forefathers, the heroes of the Bible, who faced trials with unwavering trust in God? Consider the story of Abraham, the father of faith, who journeyed into the unknown, guided only by the promise of God.

In Genesis 15:6, it says, “And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness."

Abraham's trust in God's promise became the foundation of a legacy that continues to inspire us even today.

Learning from Mistakes

Our Christian ancestry is not a tale of flawless perfection but rather a story of redemption and transformation. The Bible is full of stories of individuals who made mistakes, yet God's grace was sufficient to bring them back into connection with Him. One such example is King David, a man after God's own heart, who faltered grievously with Bathsheba.

Reflect on Psalm 51, where David pours out his heart in repentance. Verse 10 says, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me."

David's humility and contrition became a catalyst for his redemption.

Q: How can you embrace the lessons from David's journey, acknowledging your own imperfections and relying on God's grace for renewal?

These stories are told time and again as testimonies of God's faithfulness and transformative power. As we navigate the complexities of life, let's draw strength from the unwavering faith of our forefathers and the stories of redemption that echo through generations.

Here are a couple of other questions you may wish to consider as you think about your own Christian lineage:

• How can we cultivate a deeper appreciation for these stories within our
families and communities?

• What practices can help us keep the faith of your family alive, ensuring they
remain a source of strength and inspiration for the generations that follow?

We are called to lead well in our families and also our businesses. Foster an environment where your children and grandchildren, and even those you work with, can learn from the triumphs and trials of your Christian ancestors, understanding that your own stories are woven into this grand story of faith.

My Prayer

Gracious Father, we lift our hearts in gratitude for the gift of Christian ancestry. Thank you for the faith of those who walked before us, inspiring us with their unwavering trust in You.

Forgive us for the times we falter and lose sight of the lessons embedded in the stories of our Christian heritage. Like David, create in us clean hearts, renewing a right spirit within us. May we humbly learn from the mistakes of the past, embracing the redemption offered through Your boundless grace.

Grant us the wisdom to cultivate an environment where the stories of our Christian ancestors are not forgotten but cherished. May these stories be a source of strength, shaping the foundation of our families and communities.

We offer this prayer in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our ultimate source of hope and redemption.


Steve Shrout 
President, Corpath Forums
Email: president@corpath.ca

"Pursuing Excellence in Business, Life and Spirit"

Special Note:
If you enjoyed today’s message, then share it with someone.  Also, use this content and questions as a discussion guide in your next Forum Group meeting.

Attached to this is a printable/ fillable PDF you can use to help with your meditation and reflection.  I encourage you to print it, answer the questions, and then keep it in a Corpath binder or folder for future reference and thought.  You will receive a new PDF each week with each new Monday Meditation, and, over time, your binder will become a book representing your Corpath journey of BUSINESS thoughts, personal LIFE development, and SPIRITUAL growth.


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