Well, here we are… September.  Summer has come and gone and we are busy re-engaging with our busy lives as we create the momentum that will carry us through to the New Year. 

I remember when leading teams at various times throughout my career and striving to find ways to get them energized after the summer break and vacation times.  

I decided to use the month of September to present thoughts about restarting, reengaging and taking a “reboot” process to stimulate action.  Most times, the teams embraced the idea and recommitted to their sense of purpose and dedication.  The energy produced had the same effect on me as well.


Q:  What are your thoughts about “September”?  Do you look at this time of year as an opportunity to “reboot” something about yourself or your business?

As a Christian, I believe that September can also hold a special significance for us. It is a time when we can embrace the idea of a "new start" with renewing our faith and reestablishing a new dedication to our own spiritual journey. 

Recommitting to Strategies
In the Bible, we find guidance on the importance of recommitting to our strategies and plans. Proverbs 16:3 reminds us, "Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans." This verse underscores the significance of aligning our strategies with God's will. As September marks a transition into a new season, it is an ideal time to revisit our plans and ensure they are in harmony with God's purpose for our lives. 

Reflecting on our strategies and seeking divine guidance can help us realign our efforts for the remainder of the year. This recommitment to our plans, rooted in faith, can bring about a sense of purpose and direction in our lives. 

Adjusting Goals
As September arrives, it often brings a sense of urgency to evaluate our goals and aspirations for the year.  

In Philippians 3:13-14, the apostle Paul writes, "But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." This passage encourages us to focus on our future goals and not be discouraged by past setbacks or unmet expectations.

In this season of new beginnings, we can prayerfully adjust our goals, seeking God's guidance in setting priorities that align with His plan for our lives. It is an opportunity to refocus our energies on what truly matters in our Christian journey. 

Continuing to Build Relationships
The Bible places great emphasis on building and nurturing relationships.  

In Galatians 6:2, we are reminded, "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ." September presents an opportunity to rekindle relationships that may have waned throughout the year or to strengthen existing bonds within our Christian community and our Corpath Forum groups. 

As we navigate through this season of new beginnings, we should remember the importance of love, support, and fellowship within our Corpath community. We can extend a helping hand, offer forgiveness, and strive to embody the love of Christ in our interactions with others. 

Finding Personal Motivation
Personal motivation can sometimes decline as the year progresses, but September can serve as a catalyst for renewed enthusiasm.  

Psalm 119:105 declares, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."
By immersing ourselves in God's Word, we can find the motivation and strength needed to push through challenges and uncertainties. 

As Christians, we can take this time to reflect on our relationship with God, seeking His guidance, and renewing our commitment to live in accordance with His will.
This personal motivation, grounded in faith, can empower us to approach the remaining months of the year with positivity and purpose. 

Q:  What three things will you commit to do in September to give yourself a new start and rekindle the flame for the balance of the year?  Share these thoughts with your Corpath Forum group.

September indeed represents a time for a "new start" in the calendar year for Christians. Through recommitting to strategies, adjusting goals, continuing to build relationships, and finding personal motivation, we can draw inspiration from the Scriptures and rely on our faith to navigate this season of renewal.

As we embark on this journey, let us remember the words of Isaiah 43:19,
"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?"
May we embrace this new beginning with open hearts, guided by our Christian faith, and with unwavering trust in God's plan for our lives.


My Prayer for this week:
Heavenly Father,  I come before You with a humble heart, seeking Your guidance and strength to commit to the strategies that will draw me closer to You and help me live out my faith more intentionally. Lord, grant me the wisdom to recommit to Your plans, to adjust my goals according to Your will, to build and nurture relationships to the world around me, and to find unwavering personal motivation in Your Word.

Help me to remember that all things are possible through You, and, that with Your guidance, I can live a life that reflects Your love and purpose. I surrender my plans and desires to You, trusting that Your way is perfect and that You will equip me for the journey ahead.


In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen. 

Steve Shrout 
President, Corpath Forums

"Pursuing Excellence in Business, Life and Spirit"

Special Note:
If you enjoyed today’s message, then share it with someone.  Also, use this content and questions as a discussion guide in your next Forum Group meeting.

Attached to this email is a printable/ fillable PDF you can use to help with your meditation and reflection.  I encourage you to print it, answer the questions, and then keep it in a Corpath binder or folder for future reference and thought.  You will receive a new PDF each week with each new Monday Meditation, and, over time, your binder will become a book representing your Corpath journey of BUSINESS thoughts, personal LIFE development, and SPIRITUAL growth.


Seeking God First in Business


Good or Godly